
About the Company

Our mission is to give access to innovative and healthy products. We work with passion and teamwork to gather the best farmers with the best produces. By buying their fruits and vegetables we promote their local work in Puerto Rico. Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Good Source of Fiber and Vitamin C are a few of Panawest’s nutritional benefits for all of the family. We choose to bring the best from our island to provide a natural, trustworthy and delicious healthier way to your daily diet.

The Panawest family

Panawest Products

Breadfruit Sticks

Vegan Burger

Breadfruit Tostones

Vegan Pasteles

Vegan Pastelón

100% Natural


Gluten Free

High on Fiber

Low on Sodium



Friendship moves us to do the right things for the ones we love. In Puerto Rico, we love to call our friends by the Spanish word for breadfruit: “Panas”. At Panawest, we dedicate our finest to share with our “Panas” quality products and services. We deliver delicious, gourmet and healthy products to satisfy everyone’s unique palate. It’s from the beautiful West Coast of Puerto Rico, that we welcome you all, our friends/Panas, to an exceptionally tasty experience and remember…Todos Somos Panas! We’re All Friends!

happy customers

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